Two years ago when I returned to Suceava after an absence of ten years, I moved with an open heart to build not for myself, but for those around me. However, I found myself in a reality where friends who I thought would welcome me, pushed me away. Strangers felt that I was an opponent. Some of the people I exchanged hearts with on Facebook have disappeared. I came home, but I felt more apart than ever.
However, there were also people who welcomed me into their world and believed in my madness. I am a dreamer, sometimes too optimistic, sometimes too harsh, but every time determined to move mountains no matter how big they are. I held workshops in high schools and middle schools, I did a lot of projects, I worked one-on-one with young people and adults who passed the "this foreigner is too young to say something" barrier.
You've heard authentic stories tonight about courage, fear, injustices from different systems, but you heard a lot about „we can” also. We are almost 300 people here. Each one of us can gather around him a community, smaller or larger, with which he can change something that is not going well. From mentalities to problems. So that we, as well as our parents, children, relatives, colleagues or neighbors, live in a fairer world, right here at the local level. A world where it is no longer about me, my name, my position, legacies and pride, but about us and the community in which we live. Next to each other.
People of Justice Suceava evening is close to the end. However, we hope that you will take the emotion you experienced here beyond this room and build with a lot of courage. Believe in the power of community!
We thank the technical teams - sound, projection, lights -, who allow our obsessions and make sure that everything goes perfectly.
A big thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, to those who took the stage today, but also to those who contributed in many ways to make tonight happen. Thanks from the bottom of our heart to my students who put their heart here! And a big thank you to everyone here in the room! You made everything much, much easier.
We want to celebrate all this, and after Paul Tihan's recital we are waiting for you for a glass of wine. Don't forget to leave your postcards on the way out, on which I hope you have already written something. You'll find a dedicated box on the exit.
See you next year!